Why You Should Get Acupuncture To Increase Fertility

If you feel that conventional medicine isn’t enough, opt for an acupuncture session today!If you’ve been having problems conceiving and you feel that conventional medicine hasn’t helped you solve the problem, you can choose to go through an acupuncture session. Acupuncture is an age-old remedy for virtually any ailment or disease. Although it’s not a direct cure for any illness, it’s a great complementary treatment to the medications you take.It works by sticking tiny needles the size of hair strands into various acupuncture points throughout your body. This stimulates the nerves, which sends signals to the brain to release beneficial hormones or neurotransmitters. Numerous scientific studies have backed this up, despite the skepticism surrounding the effectively of traditional Chinese medicine Sydney. If you’re not entirely convinced, read this quick list of reasons why you should try it:

It Triggers Your Body To Amp Up Hormone Production
Since acupuncture aims to stimulate the nervous system, its goal is for the brain to release hormones that reduce pain, promote relaxation, and release tension in afflicted areas of the body. This is why so many people regularly visit acupuncture clinics – in the hopes of minimizing their chronic pain or other related ailments. If you suffer from a hormonal imbalance, which may be the cause of your dilemma, a fertility acupuncture Sydney just might help.

It Relieves Stress and Other Mental Health Issues
Stress may also be one of the causes of infertility. There’s surely no shortage of stress from almost every aspect of our lives, which could prove detrimental for our overall health. Our bodies also tend to shift its focus taking care of our more vital organs when we’re stressed, so our reproductive systems might feel left out. Through acupuncture, our bodies are encouraged to produce happy-inducing hormones such as dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin, which can help reduce stress. The Chinese believed that acupuncture released disturbed energy from the sites where needles penetrate the skin, thus allowing it to flow through our body. This could just be an ancient way of saying that it aims to help a patient feel more balanced.

It Reduces The Risks Involved in IVF
Studies have shown that women who go through acupuncture before IVF tend to have more successful pregnancies. This is done by using the treatment to relax the place in your reproductive system where the fertilized egg will attach to. Although the efficacy of such a pre-procedure treatment is debatable, it’s still worth a try.

It Boosts Your Immune System
When you have a healthy immune system, you’re less susceptible to diseases, and you’re body feels more equipped and energized to fight off existing ailments. When acupuncture stimulates the immune system, the treatment also allows it to scan your body for anything that shouldn’t be there, or at least should be fixed, and targets the root of the problem.